Blendergrl's Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting back on track...

I am back from vacation and just stepped on the scale for the first time in 10 days. It is showing me a 4lb gain... yuck!! I am hoping I can do my usual flush out the water trick and get back to 217 for my WI on Wednesday. I was not physically counting points during my vacation but I tried to make good decisions as we ate out almost every meal. I had an encounter with apple pie and ice cream and one night we went out for an Indian feast (SOOooooo Goood!) On the drive back from Calgary yesterday I had some creamy dill baked lays, some diet coke and a veggie burger and fries. So much salty foods = massive water retention for me.

I always find it difficult to get back on track after vacation so I am writing down my plan for the week and will update my food and exercise each day to help keep me accountable.

I will go to the gym for an hour for the next 5 days.
I will eat only my 29 daily points each day
I will drink at least 2L of water each day
I will eat at least 5 fruit and veggies each day


Anonymous said...

you are SET for the week...and Im with you on the needing a plan to get back on track or (even though my body is home) my MIND and DRIVE :) stays on vacation.


Julie said...

Drink lots and keep moving! You will be back on track in no time.
When did they start making Baked dill lays?? YUMMERS!!

JanetM97 said...

Welcome home!! :) I know you'll be back on track very soon. Sounds like you did great anyway- and had fun, right?

blendergrl said...

oops... Julie they are Old Dutch Creamy Dill Baked Chips. They are soooo good. I have to buy the little bags (they sell them in lots of gas stations now) because I will eat the whole big bag if given the chance. Potato Chips are my MAJOR red light food.

Unknown said...

That is a great idea - a plan for the week ahead. I have found your blog so hope that you dont mind me saying hello. Love your photos and your posts....You have done so well on your weight loss so far! Congrats.