Blendergrl's Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, May 30, 2008

Here I go again

I need to keep posting my menu for each day... my goal for the rest of this week is to get in all my fruits/veggies, dairy and healthy oil servings. Here is todays crazy menu

Breakfast: NOTHING

Six inch ham sub with tomato, lettuce, pickles, olives, sweet onion, cheese (8)
Baked Lays (2)

Evening eating:
FF yogurt (3)
Fibre one bar (2)
Pita chips (2)
Sour cream and salso (4)
Skim milk (4)

I am still left with 8 points but it is time for bed. I pledge to do beter tomorrow!

veggies (3) dairy (5) water (1L) oil (2tsp olive)


cdndyme said...

No Breaky or Lunch? Girl you are pulling a Wendy now. LOL I use to do that too.... everyone would yell at me. Now that I am eating ALL the time I feel so much better.
I got Fat Free Sour Cream down south and it is only 1 point for 3 tbsp's. Gotta love that. I put it in my Tomato Soup and it is YUMMY!
Way to go on trying to get in all the basics. I am soooo bad with getting in my dairy and oils. Veggies and water are never a problem.

blendergrl said...

this is exactly how I ate pre-ww but it was out of my control yesterday. today has been much better

cdndyme said...

good to hear that.
I was soooo like that pre-WW. I rarely ever ate, but when I did it was junk.
I keep thinking "no wonder I got fat"
I am feeling REALLY GOOD since WW. I have more energy and don't feel slugish all the time.
Keep up the good work.